This is a global notification. You can write markdown here! Link to official website

API Type Regular Desktop Layout

Tests the responsive behavior in "largeDesktop" responsive sizes. It has the widelayout frontmatter set to false.


Test Subsection Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, everti feugiat gloriatur sed et, an omnes saepe intellegat vix. Ei aperiam postulant mea, primis omnesque voluptatibus ad nec. Vim ea nobis tation, pro putent discere pertinacia eu, ex quo gubergren referrentur. Nam in graeco periculis, qui at conceptam intellegat. Ea purto natum accusam sed. Has ne partem adversarium theophrastus, sed tale eirmod ad, eum in malis ignota nusquam.

Id quo virtute epicurei phaedrum. No volumus atomorum sit, sonet sensibus ne quo. Tale porro cu qui, ridens option praesent ius ei, nam brute iracundia cu. Aeque soluta necessitatibus te quo, cu vel aperiri euismod delectus. Eu quod invenire mnesarchum sed, his ne decore mollis audire, sit ea aeque zril doctus.

API Representations

A type without examples

This one should take the regular width:

A copy of FloatTestType, used to test wide layout.


Description Text including rendered markdown.

Default: 1.5Minimum: 0.1Maximum: 2.23


A copy of ArrayTestType, used to test wide layout. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width.

Array of Integer

A property with an array of ints. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Int".

MinItems: 1
Array of Integer

A property with an array of ints in which items must be unique. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Int"

MinItems: 1UniqueItems
Array of Integer
MinItems: 2MaxItems: 2
Array of Number

An array of float. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Float". !!! Until underlying libraries are fixed, this displays "Array of Number" because the pattern information is lost.

MinItems: 1MaxItems: 1
Array of Number

An array of float. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Number"

Array of String

An array of strings. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of String"

Array of IntegerTestType

An array of IntegerTestType. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of IntegerTestType"

Example: json
"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],
"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],
"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],
"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],
"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],
"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],
"arrayOfObjectType": [
"integerExample": 1554,
"integerExampleInt32": 2
"integerExample": 60000,
"integerExampleInt32": 22

Manual Side By Side Content

The <SideBySide> component allows wrapping two arbitrary pieces of markdown or MDX block-level contents to allow the wide layout to put the next to each other if the space allows. It's for "Pairs" of content that directly belong to each other. If multiple blocks are intended for this "left" part it needs to be wrapped in a <div> which is not nice but at least works.

Block one - don't forget the blank lines!
Blick two - don't forget the blank lines!

WideLayoutArrayTestType again to test the layout

A copy of ArrayTestType, used to test wide layout. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width. Very long text to test the description width.

Array of Integer

A property with an array of ints. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Int".

MinItems: 1
Array of Integer

A property with an array of ints in which items must be unique. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Int"

MinItems: 1UniqueItems
Array of Integer
MinItems: 2MaxItems: 2
Array of Number

An array of float. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Float". !!! Until underlying libraries are fixed, this displays "Array of Number" because the pattern information is lost.

MinItems: 1MaxItems: 1
Array of Number

An array of float. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of Number"

Array of String

An array of strings. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of String"

Array of IntegerTestType

An array of IntegerTestType. JSON primitive is array, display type is "Array of IntegerTestType"

Example: json
"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],
"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],
"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],
"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],
"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],
"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],
"arrayOfObjectType": [
"integerExample": 1554,
"integerExampleInt32": 2
"integerExample": 60000,
"integerExampleInt32": 22